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The Answers You Need

The Flight Services staff includes qualified A & P mechanics that can handle AOG issues that arise.

Click here to visit the maintenance page.

Is onsite maintenance offered?

We request that operators adhere to the voluntary noise curfew that is currently in effect to minimize impacts on noise sensitive wildlife and communities located near the Airport and inside Grand Teton National Park. Please do not land or takeoff after 9:30 pm or before 7:00 am.

What happens if we want to fly in after hours?

Currently we only have hangar space for our based customers. We are not able to guarantee hangar space. Upon arrival, please check in with our Customer Service Representatives and they will be happy to put you on the list in the event that we have any openings.

Can I make a reservation to guarantee hangar space?

Due to our location in a National Park we have limited ramp space. Our staff will try our best to accommodate everyone.

Can I make a reservation to guarantee ramp space?

We do offer crew cars on a first-come basis. There is a time limit of two hours for the car. If you need a car for the day or overnight, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you in reserving a rental car or a taxi.

Do you offer crew cars and is there a time limit? Does it matter what size my aircraft is to be able to use a crew car?

What are the current runway conditions?

Type I Dow Chemicals UCAR PG Dilute 60/40%

TYPE 4 Dow Chemicals UCAR Flight Guard Ad-49 100%

What type of deicing chemicals do you use?

Click here to visit our Services page to see current fuel prices.

Our fuel rates change frequently. Call us at 307-733-4767 for more information.

What are your current fuel prices?

Jedediah Catering  |  (307) 413-6688

Lunch Counter  |  (307) 231-2453

Who can I contact for catering?

Flight Services currently has a partnership with provider GoRentals.

What is your preferred rental car company?

Only GoRentals deliver to the FBO.

Which rental car companies can be delivered to the FBO?

Click here to visit our Services page and view current rates.

To inquire about rates, please contact FBO customer service at (307) 733-4767.

What are your current rates?

We are happy to bring the cars planeside. If you contact us in advance with the passenger's name and tail number, this will help us in making sure we have the car ready when the plane lands. If you are departing, you may drive the car to the plane once the crew is ready for you. If it is a rental car from Enterprise, National or Avis, we are happy to take the car for you.

Are vehicles (personal or rental) allowed planeside for picking up and departing passengers?

The Jackson Hole Airport deice pad is located at the North end of Taxiway A and can completed on departure only.

Peak time:

0700 to 1400 local time is usually a busy time for deicing aircraft between commercial and general aviation traffic. During the busy times there may be a deice dispatcher (FBO staff will advise).

Types and fees:

(prices subject to change without warning)

1. Type I Dow Chemicals UCAR PG Dilute 60/40%

Fee: base price + 6% WY sales tax + airport disposal fee

2. TYPE 4 Dow Chemicals UCAR Flight Guard Ad-49 100%

Fee: base price + 6% WY sales tax + airport disposal fee


1. Sign the blue Jackson Hole Flight Services de-ice form. NO deicing is permitted unless you sign the form. NO Exceptions! A payment method will be captured and an invoice will be emailed with the provided email address once deicing is completed by the end of day. Please advise the front desk with your expected departure time.

2. Call Ground 124.55 to get permission to taxi to deice pad. Call FBO Unicom 122.95 to advise you are heading to deice pad. The aircraft MUST be ready to taxi once this request is submitted to allow no delays for other aircraft. Once released from Ground, taxi to the deice pad and call the Iceman 129.75 for marshalling onto the deice pad and give them specifics on deicing your aircraft. You can leave your engines running during this process. Call Ground 124.55 to exit the deice pad.

3. If your aircraft cannot depart due to mechanical, you MUST remain on the pad until you are released by ATC. We have a special containment area and clearance MUST be issued prior to taxiing back to the FBO.

What are the deicing procedures?


Jackson Hole Airport

1250 East Airport Road
PO Box 159
Jackson, WY 83001

Ground Transportation Login

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